Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A cold – when is it worth disturbing?

Recall that the mother's womb, the fetus is sterile. But already at birth begins the so-called fetal colonization, which differs in natural childbirth and surgery cases. Born in a newborn exposed to many cultures, because the new environment it is no longer sterile. This is - a normal adaptation period for which the newborn's immune system is well prepared.
Why do little children get sick easily? Majilis of the body, which continue to adapt to the environment, the immune system is unprepared to deal with the variety of pathogens. Often, the disease leads and seasonal colds. Microorganisms usually affects the respiratory tract. This is especially true for groups of children, which is very close contacts and allow infection to spread.
It should be alarmed when the course of the disease becomes severe, fever over 38.5 o C for 3 days when the child continues to fever, because viral infections during this period usually disappears. Patients with longer illness can be of bacterial origin, the child must see a doctor, and decide on the appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy.
How to protect your children? Not the best place in the neonate is a public space: the crowd - perfect conditions for the spread of infections weather drip. On the other hand, these days it would be difficult to live in closing. Therefore, the world has long since developed the so-called cocoon strategy was first introduced to prevent flu.
The strategy - to ensure a safe environment for your baby. So all the adults surrounding him to get vaccinated flu vaccine. This experience applies to the prevention of pertussis.
Parents waiting for increase, adults, families and young people aged 12 years are advised to get vaccinated flu and diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines. This is going to do and your family - we had recently granddaughter.

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